Healthy Eating Programs
in Australians Schools

We have a simple vision:
To nourish students' bodies and mind.
How gather by Cater Care helps improve healthy eating programs in Australian schools.
Given eating behaviours of children and adolescents are shaped at a young age and tend to be followed throughout adulthood.
A healthy eating program has been specifically designed to support the nutritional requirements and challenges of boarding students.

1. Providing nutritionally balanced menus
reviewed, amended and approved by our Dietitian team, ensuring each one meets the recommendations of the Australian and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Guide to Healthy Eating, and supports students food education with a range of flavours, textures and cuisines.

2. Ongoing training and support
Ensuring ongoing training and support for our site based teams from our corporate nutrition, culinary and marketing teams.

We are able to send them home feeling well, and that is very important.

3. Dietetic support and a healthy lifestyle
Promoting healthy lifestyle topics with messaging and imagery that is informative, positive and motivational and encourages the development of healthy eating behaviours, which research shows are shaped at a young age and tend to be followed throughout adulthood.

4. Satisfaction program
Actively seeking feedback from our clients, their students and staff regarding engagement and satisfaction with the program so it can continue to be shaped to suit their needs.

5. Optional activities
Providing a range of optional activities that offer support to our clients, their students and staff, including nutrition presentations, fact sheets and an advise contact email address.

talk to David O’Brien
David is the Client Development Manager for gather and he’s looking forward to learning about the unique needs of your education community. Get in touch with him today to have a chat about how including one of the most in-depth healthy eating programs in Australian schools in your catering can help support the health and wellbeing of your students.